Welcome to the UKs Community Website

Our belief is that virtual learning, whether at home, in an office, a cyber café or any suitably connected venue, is the future of training, and this belief has helped us to become one of Hampshire’s fastest growing training centres.


The flexibility that this type of learning allows is paramount in a modern world. Not only are costs reduced but the flexibility means that students can access their course at a time to suit them, wherever suits them, for as long as suits them. All virtual courses are fully supported by experienced tutors.

Of course we still offer the more traditional forms of learning including tutor led courses at our training centre, on customer sites or at residential centres.

Specialist training in IT and Business Excellence are available as are improver courses in numeracy and literacy.

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Im so glad your website is back online!

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Women Mugged shopping in Hampshire!

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New Cinema to be built in Hampshire?